As you navigate your cancer treatment, it is important for you or someone who you trust to help you learn as much as possible about the treatment options and the risks and benefits. This may not only impact your treatment today but also your health tomorrow.
You deserve to have a trusting relationship with your doctors and should be able to ask questions about new treatments and approaches. It is important to be as prepared and informed when you meet with your doctor to ensure you get the best possible treatment and care. We hope the information provided on our site has helped provide the knowledge you need. Below are some questions you may want to ask about your radiation treatment:
Radiation Treatment
How can I be sure that my radiation is not delivered to my healthy tissue or organs? How is my positioning tracked during treatment?
After your initial CT scan, the team at the clinic will work out the best way to put the radiation dose into your tumor with the minimum dose in surrounding healthy cells. AlignRT® is then used during treatment to ensure you are in the same position as during your CT scan, so the radiation beams go through your body as planned. AlignRT® uses thousands of reference points, or virtual tattoos, to monitor your position with submillimeter accuracy and can automatically shut off the radiation beam if you move out of position.
Left-Breast Cancer Radiation Treatment
Does your radiation center apply Deep Inspiration Breath Hold (DIBH) + AlignRT® for left-breast cancer patients to minimize heart exposure?
A recent study1 showed that AlignRT® + DIBH effectively prevented radiation-induced abnormalities in blood flow to the heart. This compares to a previous study without AlignRT® or DIBH, where 27% of patients showed new abnormalities in blood flow to the heart 6 months after radiation therapy1,2
Is your radiation treatment a tattooless treatment?
AlignRT® is safe and can eliminate the need for tattoos.
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